Daily astrological insight at your fingertips

The Mercury Minute

Exclusively on Patreon

Receive daily readings of the Moon and how it may affect your emotions, thinking, and decision-making.

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Daily Mercury Minute episodes with astrological insights, and thought provoking inspiration. Also, enjoy compelling and unique interviews with astrologers, psychics, healers, metaphysicians and other unique guests.

Moon Membership

  • Daily moon interpretations and how this energy may influence your day *The Mercury Minute

  • Bonus - Detailed full and new Moon interpretations to support your intentions and manifestations

  • Ad-free podcast episodes

  • Special member rates on private readings

    $5 / month

Star Membership

Coming soon!

Earth Membership

  • Exclusive content - One hour monthly with Mercury, recorded and sent to you.

  • Daily Mercury Minute messages

  • Bi-monthly newsletter about different astrology insights with uniuqe interpretations.

  • Access to Mercury’s audio library of interviews of notable astrlogers, healers, mysitcs, swami’s, a teibetian lama amd inteesting people.

  • Weekly interveiws and audio udates with added material updated weekly

  • Ad-free podcast episodes

  • BONUS personal reading once a month with Mercury

  • Special member rates on private readings

    $60 / month *This tier is limited in number